Love What You Have

11:35 Ashwani 0 Comments

There was a 8 year old girl, One day while returning from school with her mum,she saw a wonderful barbie doll,on the shelf of a toy shop. The barbie was designed and packed perfectly. She insisted her mum to buy it, but her mum was having a cash crunch and 50 dollar for the doll was bit to much to afford as her husband was separated and had and all she was using was her savings to live their life.

Now each day after her school while coming back with her mum the girl cried for that toy and all her mum cud say was next month. Days passed this continued, mum got fed up and slapped her daughter for the first time to forget about that toy,and she get a better one (obviously low cost),but the kid was very stubborn, she wanted that only.

Finally it was month of winter when her mum found a job which she had to do at home on her spare time at night after making her daughter sleep,the job was to stitch cloth.Finally she cud have extra money,now she was bit relaxed.It was Monday morning,when like every school off she went to bring her daughter,but this time she didn’t went alone,she bought the barbie toy for her.The kid was glad to see that,hugged her mum.she was in joy.

Each day the kid played with her doll,playing with it,making the barbie bath,comb hair,making her put fancy dress(which she got with d toy). Days passed,now she a year older,now the barbie did not kept so much importance,while playing,she snatched d hair,broke her 1 hand,etc. after all she got bored with that,after all the barbie lost importance.

Finally days passed,the kid grew up,she was in married and in her thirties,and come to visit her old mum.after lunch her mum to her to her room where she grew up,she was cherishing old times with her mum,suddenly she noticed,her old toy box,as she opened she saw and took out a barbie,the doll without one hand,hair was torn off,and bit damaged.Looking at that her mum flashed back d story that how she managed to buy that,now the girl was more matured and made her feel d importance of that doll again,she was into tears,that half broken n damaged doll was so precious now,she thought how cud she do dis with that doll,for which she cried everyday,and for which mum had to pay her hard earned money,she hoped that if her doll was in perfect shape she cud even gifted 2 her kid,after all it was her memories,now was now very precious.

She took the doll along with her,and kept it in her house,after she kept that in her shelf,what she realized was that how we human being are so immature,what we want we want and we get, we forget its importance,and when we finally lose it,we r d one who suffer for it.

Moral of the Story -close your eyes,take a sec,and realize,maybe u forgetting  someone importance just because u got or have that. So it never late,love what you have got and never let d importance go,because someday it is you who will realize how much you have cried to get it and at last suffer for your mistake for losing it.
